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Fujikura 70s price

(15 products available)

About fujikura 70s price

In the intricate world of fiber optics, our high-efficiency Fusion Splicer stands out as a paragon of efficiency and reliability. This article delves into the nuanced balance between cost and performance that our Fusion Splicer offers, examining its features, price point, and user feedback, particularly on our B2B platform. As we navigate through the technological specifications and real-world applications, we will uncover what makes this fusion splicer a preferred choice for professionals in the telecommunications industry and beyond. Join us as we explore the capabilities that set this fusion splicer apart in a competitive market.

Understanding the Fusion Splicer

The Fusion Splicer is a device that embodies a blend of durability and innovation, designed to enhance splicing efficiency. This model continues the legacy of providing robust splicing solutions, now with added automated features that streamline the user's control during the splicing process. The package includes a comprehensive Splicer Care Kit, which contains cleaning essentials such as alcohol wipes and fast-evaporating mirror spray, ensuring that the device maintains its performance over time. Additionally, the splicer comes with a high precision fiber cleaver and a hard carrying case, along with a suite of accessories, highlighting our commitment to delivering a complete splicing solution. The model is recognized in the industry for its reliability and is supported by a network that promises a satisfying user experience.

Key Features of the Fusion Splicer

The Fusion Splicer is a device designed to join two optical fibers end-to-end using heat, with the goal of fusing the fibers together in such a way that light passing through the fibers is not scattered or reflected back by the splice, and so that the splice and the region surrounding it are almost as strong as the virgin fiber itself. It incorporates ruggedized features to endure the challenges of field use.

This fusion splicer is equipped with automated features that enhance user control and increase splicing efficiency. A notable inclusion is the 6 Month Splicer Care Kit, which contains essential maintenance tools such as a flip jar of alcohol for cleaning, non-lint dry wipes, fiber optic wipes with alcohol, fast evaporating mirror spray, camera swabs, and V-groove swabs.

Additionally, the package comes with a high precision fiber cleaver, which is critical for preparing the fiber for splicing by making a clean cut. The hard carrying case and additional accessories listed ensure that the device can be transported safely and used in various field conditions. The splicer model is recognized for its reliability and is supported by a strong industry reputation for performance.

Price Point Analysis: Fusion Splicer on

The Fusion Splicer emerges as a prominent option on, catering to the precise needs of fiber optic splicing. This model is recognized for its core alignment technology, which is a critical feature for professionals in the field. lists various suppliers offering this equipment, reflecting a competitive market that caters to diverse budgetary requirements. The platform showcases different iterations of the splicer, including some bundled with additional accessories, which may influence the overall cost. Prospective buyers can navigate through a range of listings to find a splicer that aligns with their specific needs and budget.

While exploring the splicer, it's evident that the platform provides a spectrum of options, from standalone devices to comprehensive kits. This allows for a tailored purchase experience, whether the buyer is seeking a basic setup or a more extensive package. The listings on often highlight the core features of the splicers, such as the number of motors, alignment capabilities, and the inclusion of heat shrink protection sleeves, which are pivotal for informed purchasing decisions. The variation in features across different listings suggests a flexible price range, accommodating both cost-effective solutions and premium offerings.

Performance Metrics: Evaluating the Fusion Splicer

The Fusion Splicer is a device designed to join two optical fibers end-to-end using heat, with the goal of fusing the fibers together in such a way that light passing through the fibers is not scattered or reflected back by the splice, and so that the splice and the region surrounding it are almost as strong as the virgin fiber itself. This particular model incorporates features aimed at enhancing splicing efficiency. Notably, it includes a comprehensive care kit to support its performance, featuring cleaning materials such as alcohol wipes, pump fast evaporating mirror spray, camera swabs, and V-groove swabs. Additionally, it comes with a high precision fiber cleaver, which is essential for preparing the fiber ends for a high-quality splice. The rugged design of the splicer suggests it is built to withstand the challenges of fieldwork, making it suitable for various environments. While specific performance metrics are not detailed in the provided content, the inclusion of a care kit and precision cleaver indicates a focus on maintaining optimal splicing performance and reliability.

Comparative Overview: Fusion Splicer vs. Other Models

Competing fusion splicers present notable advancements in technology when compared to our model. They boast a significant leap in magnification capabilities, offering a high magnification, which is a substantial enhancement over the competition. This high magnification level is complemented by intuitive zoom in and zoom out touch screen technology, providing users with a detailed view for precision work.

Additionally, competitors utilize a Multi-core CPU and a powerful Graphical Processing Unit, which together deliver faster processing speeds and more efficient operation. The color LCD display is another area where competitors excel, with a sizeable screen and a high resolution, ensuring that the display is sharp and bright, which can be particularly beneficial in various work environments.

In contrast, our model, while a reliable model in the market, does not feature the same level of screen technology or magnification offered by competitors. It has a smaller display and lower magnification, which may affect the user's ability to perform precise splicing tasks. These differences are critical to consider for professionals seeking equipment that can deliver accuracy and efficiency in their splicing operations.

Applications and Industries Benefiting from Advanced Fusion Splicers

Our advanced fusion splicer, with its fully automatic splicing capability, serves a critical role in the deployment and maintenance of fiber networks. Its robust design, resistant to dust, shock, and rain, makes it suitable for various field conditions, ensuring reliability across different environments. The device's true core-alignment performance and automated features, such as the wind protector and tube heater, contribute to its efficiency, making it a valuable tool for telecommunications infrastructure, particularly in the construction and expansion of optical networks. The splicer's speed and precision are beneficial for technicians working on network upgrades and maintenance, highlighting its applicability in a fast-paced industry where minimizing downtime and ensuring consistent, high-quality connections are paramount.

User Reviews and Feedback on Our Platform

Our platform has garnered attention for its diverse range of products and the advanced fusion splicer is no exception. Users have shared their experiences, highlighting the platform's ability to connect buyers with manufacturers efficiently. One user's first encounter with our platform was marked by a positive note, emphasizing the ease of navigating the platform and initiating transactions.

Customers have noted the responsiveness of sellers, with one mentioning a particularly communicative partner, which is crucial when dealing with technical products like the advanced fusion splicer. The feedback points to a trend of satisfactory trades, with several users affirming that their orders were fulfilled as agreed upon.

A standout comment from a buyer praised a seller for their transparency, a trait that can be challenging to find in the vast online marketplace. This sentiment is echoed by another user who had a seamless process facilitated by their representative, suggesting that personal attention to customer service is a valued aspect of the platform experience.

While reviews are generally positive, they also reflect the real-world usage and authenticity of the platform's review system. These insights into customer satisfaction levels are invaluable for potential buyers looking to invest in an advanced fusion splicer and are seeking genuine feedback on our platform.

Maintenance and Support for Advanced Fusion Splicers

The reputation for producing reliable splicers is complemented by a commitment to customer support. Our team of engineers and technicians are well-versed in the intricacies of advanced fusion splicers, offering troubleshooting assistance that can often preclude the need for in-person service. This proactive support can be a significant time-saver, potentially avoiding the downtime and costs associated with sending units for repair.

In instances where repairs are necessary, the service facility is equipped with a comprehensive inventory of parts, enabling quick turnarounds. The goal is to minimize the time customers are without their splicer, understanding the importance of maintaining workflow continuity. Moreover, support is accessible around the clock, every day, ensuring that users can receive assistance whenever needed, a testament to the dedication to their clientele's operational success.


The advanced fusion splicer emerges as a robust and reliable tool in the fiber optic splicing industry, offering a harmonious blend of performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Its automated features and comprehensive care kit underscore a design that prioritizes efficiency and longevity. While other models may surpass it in magnification and screen technology, our splicer holds its ground with its core alignment precision and ruggedness, making it indispensable in various field conditions. User reviews on our platform reinforce its reputation, with positive feedback accentuating the platform's effectiveness in connecting buyers with quality products and responsive sellers. Furthermore, our commitment to customer support ensures that users receive the assistance they need to maintain operational continuity. In conclusion, our advanced fusion splicer stands as a testament to our legacy, offering a splicing solution that meets the demands of modern telecommunications infrastructure while providing value for professionals seeking a reliable splicing solution.